Similar to the Milan-based Bespoke Atelier, creating a destination experience for consumers is worthwhile for a brand looking to differentiate itself.
“There will always be a subset of luxury consumers who value destination experiences," Concept Bureau's Ms. Bina said.
"If you understand your consumer and know that the ritual of traveling to a location for a bespoke experience is what drives their definition of luxury, then of course it makes sense," she said. "It's the brand's job to add value and meaning to that journey in order to create the most value."

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"The conversation around beauty has been changing for a long time," said Jasmine Bina, president of Concept Bureau, Santa Monica, CA. "Bundle in the fact that women's rights and diversity are top-top-mind for the public right now, and a campaign like this makes sense." [...]
"There are two implied brand promises here - 'we are inclusive and recognize all forms of beauty' and 'you can find your true self in our brand.'...

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Let’s be honest here: most of the feedback that journalists share regarding the pitching process is negative. 
But what about journalists discussing pitches that worked?
Jasmine Bina of Los Angeles recently developed just such a project in the form of the blog Best Pitch I Ever Got...

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"I think companies that are smart enough to find and reach their target audiences in niche social media sites will have big wins. It can feel like a risk to invest resources in a small, unproven social platform – but if your people are gathering there instead of Facebook or Twitter, then that’s where you need to be," says Jasmine Bina...

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10 Common Mistakes on Twitter
Inc. | February 27th, 2013

As marketing expert Jasmine Bina notes, it's common not to fill these slots. You can quickly add six photos or videos by adding links as part of a new post.
"You're missing out on a big opportunity to immediately communicate your personal brand to new and existing followers," she says. "If your stream is empty or outdated, then, frankly, so is your brand."...

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Jasmine Bina says conferences provide a great excuse for cold-calling people you’d otherwise have to get an introduction to.
“Find the attendee and/or press lists and scan them for people you’d like to meet and get in front of; then call and set up meetings beforehand,” suggests Bina...

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